155 research outputs found

    Factores pedagógicos que inciden en la reprobación, en voz de los estudiantes normalistas.

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    The reprobation, recurrent problem in the Degree in Physical Education of the Benemérita Escuela Normal Veracruzana "Enrique C. Rébsamen". The research analyzes the factors that affect students' disapproval, considering pedagogical-academic, socioeconomic, physiological and psychological factors, from the perspective of the students. For the length of the research, and the relevance of the information, this article reports on the pedagogical factors. Attitudes and evaluation criteria proved to be the most influential.La reprobación, problemática recurrente en la Licenciatura en Educación Física de la Benemérita Escuela Normal Veracruzana “Enrique C. Rébsamen”. La investigación analiza los factores que inciden en la reprobación de los estudiantes, considerando factores pedagógico-académicos, socioeconómicos, fisiológicos y psicológicos, desde la perspectiva de los estudiantes. Por lo extenso de la investigación, y la relevancia de la información, éste artículo reporta lo referente a los factores pedagógicos. Las actitudes y los criterios de evaluación resultaron ser los de mayor influencia

    Perceived Neighborhood Disorder and Type 2 Diabetes Disparities in Hispanic, Black, and White Americans

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    Introduction: Approximately 32 million Americans have type 2 diabetes, and that number continues to grow. Higher prevalence rates are observed among certain subgroups, including members of marginalized racial/ethnic groups as well as residents of disordered neighborhoods (i.e., those with more trash and vandalism). Institutionalized discriminatory practices have resulted in disproportionate representation of marginalized racial/ethnic groups in disordered neighborhoods compared to non-Hispanic Whites. These neighborhood disparities may partially contribute to health disparities, given that signs of neighborhood disorder often relate to a general withdrawal from the neighborhood, minimizing opportunities for both physical and social engagement. Yet, research suggests variability across racial/ethnic groups both in reporting rates of neighborhood disorder and in the extent to which neighborhood disorder is interpreted as posing a threat to health and well-being. Methods: Using 2016–2018 Health and Retirement Study data (n = 10,419, mean age = 67 years), a representative sample of older US adults, this study examined the possibility of racial/ethnic differences in associations between perceived neighborhood disorder and type 2 diabetes risk. Participants reported their perceptions of neighborhood disorder and type 2 diabetes status. Weighted logistic regression models predicted type 2 diabetes risk by perceived neighborhood disorder, race/ethnicity, and their interaction. Results: Non-Hispanic Blacks and Hispanics had higher type 2 diabetes risk; these two groups also reported more disorder in their neighborhoods compared to non-Hispanic Whites. Perceiving more neighborhood disorder was associated with increased type 2 diabetes risk, but the interaction between race/ethnicity and disorder was not significant. Discussion: Findings from the current study suggest that the negative effects of perceiving neighborhood disorder, a neighborhood-level stressor, extend to increased type 2 diabetes risk

    Attachment insecurity, heart rate variability, and perceived social support in a diverse sample of young adults

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    Psychological and physical factors are robustly associated with perceived social support. Drawing from the literature on attachment style in adults and psychophysiology, we examined the possibility that the interaction of attachment insecurity and resting heart rate variability (HRV) was associated with perceived social support in a diverse sample of young adults living in the U.S (N = 145, Mage = 20.45) that was majority Latino (n = 77). Analyses revealed three key findings. First, in the overall sample, attachment avoidance and attachment anxiety were negatively associated with perceived social support, but in the Latino sample, only attachment avoidance was negatively associated with perceived social support. Second, HRV was not associated with perceived social support in the overall sample nor in the Latino sample. Third, attachment insecurity and HRV interacted to predict perceived social support only in the Latino sample such that, for those with lower levels of HRV, attachment anxiety was positively associated with perceived social support. This study underscores the importance of examining both psychological and physiological processes with careful consideration of ethnicity/culture in order to better understand perceived social support

    Principio de primacía de la realidad y los contratos fraudulentos en la EPS Marañón S.A. Jaén, 2021

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    Decidió determinar la eficacia del principio de la primacía de la realidad en los contratos fraudulentos en la EPS Marañón S.A. Jaén, 2021. Tuvo una metodología cuantitativa, aplicada, no experimental transversal, descriptivo y correlacional. La muestra estuvo compuesta por 46 trabajadores de la EPS Marañón de Jaén. Se concluye que cuando el principio de primacía de la realidad es inadecuado los contratos fraudulentos es alto en un 70.8%, pero cuando es alto los contratos fraudulentos son regulares, revelando de esta forma que mientras se utilice correctamente las normas laborales en los contratos de naturaleza temporal, entonces se reducirán los contratos fraudulentos ya que disminuyen las simulaciones ilícitas que vulneran los derechos de los trabajadores. Además, se aprecia en la tabla 10 que la significación asintótica alcanzada en la prueba de Chi - cuadrado es menor a 0.05, permitiendo rechazar la hipótesis nula y aceptar la hipótesis alterna, demostrando que el principio de primacía de realidad mantiene una eficacia significativa en los contratos fraudulentos

    Conocimiento sobre el autoexamen mamario en mujeres de una Comunidad de Huachipa, 2020

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    La presente investigación tuvo como objetivo general determinar el nivel de conocimiento sobre el autoexamen mamario en las mujeres de la Asociación Pro Vivienda Villa Santa Rosa de Huachipa, 2020. El presente estudio tiene un enfoque cuantitativo, diseño no experimental, la técnica empleada fue la encuesta, el instrumento utilizado fue de 20 preguntas con opción múltiple, una población de 150 mujeres, con una muestra de 50 mujeres. Obteniendo como resultado, con respecto al nivel de conocimiento sobre el autoexamen mamario, el 28% (14) presentaron conocimiento alto, el 68% (34) conocimiento medio y el 4% (2) conocimiento bajo. Respecto a la dimensión concepto, el 4% de mujeres presentaron conocimiento bajo, el 68% conocimiento medio y el 28% conocimiento alto. Respecto a la dimensión factores de riesgo, el 4% presentaron conocimiento bajo, el 30% conocimiento medio y el 66% conocimiento alto. Respecto a la dimensión frecuencia el 38% presentaron conocimiento bajo, el 38% conocimiento medio y el 24% conocimiento alto y por último la dimensión técnica presentó como resultado, el 20% conocimiento bajo, 48% conocimiento medio y 32% conocimiento alto. Se concluye que las mujeres de la Asociación Pro Vivienda Villa Santa Rosa de Huachipa tienen conocimiento medio sobre el autoexamen mamario

    Evolutionary Comparison Provides Evidence for Pathogenicity of RMRP Mutations

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    Cartilage-hair hypoplasia (CHH) is a pleiotropic disease caused by recessive mutations in the RMRP gene that result in a wide spectrum of manifestations including short stature, sparse hair, metaphyseal dysplasia, anemia, immune deficiency, and increased incidence of cancer. Molecular diagnosis of CHH has implications for management, prognosis, follow-up, and genetic counseling of affected patients and their families. We report 20 novel mutations in 36 patients with CHH and describe the associated phenotypic spectrum. Given the high mutational heterogeneity (62 mutations reported to date), the high frequency of variations in the region (eight single nucleotide polymorphisms in and around RMRP), and the fact that RMRP is not translated into protein, prediction of mutation pathogenicity is difficult. We addressed this issue by a comparative genomic approach and aligned the genomic sequences of RMRP gene in the entire class of mammals. We found that putative pathogenic mutations are located in highly conserved nucleotides, whereas polymorphisms are located in non-conserved positions. We conclude that the abundance of variations in this small gene is remarkable and at odds with its high conservation through species; it is unclear whether these variations are caused by a high local mutation rate, a failure of repair mechanisms, or a relaxed selective pressure. The marked diversity of mutations in RMRP and the low homozygosity rate in our patient population indicate that CHH is more common than previously estimated, but may go unrecognized because of its variable clinical presentation. Thus, RMRP molecular testing may be indicated in individuals with isolated metaphyseal dysplasia, anemia, or immune dysregulation

    Simultaneous expression of UV and violet SWS1 opsins expands the visual palette in a group of freshwater snakes

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    Snakes are known to express a rod visual opsin and two cone opsins, only (SWS1, LWS), a reduced palette resulting from their supposedly fossorial origins. Dipsadid snakes in the genus Helicops are highly visual predators that successfully invaded freshwater habitats from ancestral terrestrial-only habitats. Here we report the first case of multiple SWS1 visual pigments in a vertebrate, simultaneously expressed in different photoreceptors and conferring both UV and violet sensitivity to Helicops snakes. Molecular analysis and in vitro expression confirmed the presence of two functional SWS1 opsins, likely the result of recent gene duplication. Evolutionary analyses indicate that each sws1 variant has undergone different evolutionary paths, with strong purifying selection acting on the UV-sensitive copy and dN/dS ∼1 on the violet-sensitive copy. Site-directed mutagenesis points to the functional role of a single amino acid substitution, Phe86Val, in the large spectral shift between UV and violet opsins. In addition, higher densities of photoreceptors and SWS1 cones in the ventral retina suggest improved acuity in the upper visual field possibly correlated with visually-guided behaviors. The expanded visual opsin repertoire and specialized retinal architecture are likely to improve photon uptake in underwater and terrestrial environments, and provide the neural substrate for a gain in chromatic discrimination, potentially conferring unique color vision in the UV-violet range. Our findings highlight the innovative solutions undertaken by a highly specialized lineage to tackle the challenges imposed by the invasion of novel photic environments and the extraordinary diversity of evolutionary trajectories taken by visual opsin-based perception in vertebrates